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Praha – Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta 2012
207 stran
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CONTENT: MARTIN KOVÁŘ: Over the sicth issue of the journal The Twentieth Century - Dvacáté století; KATHLEEN GEANEY: The Emergency, Ireland and the Second World War; JAROSLAV FIALA: No Revolution without Approval, U. S. Policy toward Cuba at the Beginning of the Castro Era; MÓNIKA PILKHOFFER: Flats in Vienna and Budapest at the Turn of the Century: Quantitative and Qualitatve Changes (1890-1910); KRYŠTOF KRULIŠ: The Unites Tates and the European Integration, The Position of Obama's Administration towards the New Institutional Framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union; ALEŠ VRBATA: Jackson and Plinio: Spiritual Basis of Integralist State in Brazil; JAROSLAV VALKOUN: The Contribution to the Study of Attitudes of the Dominions to the Institutional and Constitutional Questions within the British Empire in the 1920s; LENKA PÁNKOVÁ: Udayan Prasad's My Son the Fanatic: On the Death of Multiculturalism?; SYLVA SKLENÁŘOVÁ: The 1941 February Strike in Amsterdam; PAVEL VODIČKA: Great Britain in the Eyes of German Prisoners during the Second World War; HANNA MARTYSEVICH: From Modernity to Post-Modernity? Protestant and Catholic Conceptions of Culture in the Second Half of the Twentieth and at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Centuries
80 Kč
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