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London - New York - Sydney - Toronto – Paul Hamlyn 1969
ilustrace Sivko, Václav
obálka Sivko, Václav
pevná plátěná vazba s přebalem
213 stran
stav dobrý
popis stavu – přebal je v krajích natržený; laminace přebalu je vpředu svrchu stržená
RUDOLF ČECHURA: The little girl who pet changing into things --
MILOŠ MACOUREK: The little boy who kept growing fat --
MILOŠ MACOUREK: Susan and her letters --
IVAN VYSKOČIL: Lyn, line, the drawing-pin, adn the magnifying glass --
ESTER KRUMBACHOVÁ: Susan's lamp, the lampshade, the flamingo, and Jonas the night dwarf --
MILOŠ MACOUREK: The hippo who was afraid of being inoculated --
ESTER KRUMBACHOVÁ: Kitty, Maggie, the macaroni, and the little white umbrella --
ALOIS MIKULKA: The ring-a-ling car --
MILOŠ MACOUREK: Jonah and the cod liver oil --
ALOIS MIKULKA: The sea nursery school --
HANA SEKYRKOVÁ: The little donkey who wanted a pigtail --
ESTER KRUMNACHOVÁ: Charlie Checker, the criss-cross dog, and the paper window --
MILOŠ MACOUREK: The sun and the rainbow --
OLGA HEJNÁ: Maisie's strange land behing the wal --
ALOIS MIKULKA: The worm and the ship --
ILONA BORSKÁ: The sorcerer's apprentice --
ALOIS MIKULKA: Big bug the monkey --
ALENA VOSTRÁ: The camel and his humps --
HERMÍNA FRANKOVÁ: How the sardines learned to walk --
ALOIS MIKULKA: The sad tiger --
ALENA VOSTRÁ: The giraffe and the hippo --
ALOIS MIKULKA: A story for a cat --
ALOIS MIKULKA: Joe, Jack and the jet broom --
ALOIS MIKULKA: Hereford hare and the water-sprite princess --
VÁCLAV ČTVRTEK: The magic mirror --
OLGA HEJNÁ: Peter and the comet --
VÁCLAV ČTVRTEK: Qatrefoot the watchcat --
HANA SEKYRKOVÁ: The small red boat --
ALOIS MIKULKA: The moon and the little pink camel --
HANA SEKYRKOVÁ: The cheeky hat --
MILOŠ MACOUREK: Jacob and the two hundred grandfathers --
LUDVÍK AŠKENAZY: Painted lightning --
ALOIS MIKULKA: The spook and the watchman --
MILOŠ MACOUREK: A strange top hat and an even stragner zoo --
LUDVÍK AŠKENAZY: The after-grass snipe --
ALOIS MIKULKA: The professor and the retired post office horse --
MILOŠ MACOUREK: How Whitey became a teacher of maths --
IVO ŠTUKA: Emily the goldfish --
HANA SEKYRKOVÁ: The lonely moon --
HERMÍNA FRANKOVÁ: The scholar --
IVAN VYSKOČIL: Billy, the little old man, and the soap bubbles --
HANA SEKYRKOVÁ: The dream --
HANA SEKYRKOVÁ: The magic spectacles.
2. vydání.
400 Kč
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