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Praha – Historický ústav AV ČR 2011
svazek 2/2011
193-395 stran
stav výborný
PETR VOREL: Trade and Civilization in the History and the Evolution of Civilizations (Prologomena) --
DEVENDRA SAMADHAN INGLE: The Role of Buddhism in Ancient Indo-Roman trade (200BC-200AD) --
ROMAN ZAORAL: Silver and glass in medieval trade and cultural exchange between Venice and the Bohemian Kingdom --
DAVID CHILOSI, OLIVER VOLCKART: The Knowledge Economy of the Renaissance: The Advent of Printing and Financial Integration in Central Europe --
ANDREY MAKAROV: Merchant Families and Business Networks in the Anglo-Dutch trad eof 1668-1680 (Based on the Marescoe-David Letters) --
CRISTIAN LUCA: Venetian Merchants in the Lower Danube Area and their role in the development of the international trade exchanges in the Seventeenth Century.
50 Kč
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